Saturday, August 30, 2008

What's this I'm hearing?

Kansas City, MO concert w/ the 10 idols.

David Archuleta got some serious booing from tweener boys, note this, BOYS.

This happened because KC is David Cook's 'territory'.
Oh come on tweeners, grow up!
And as for the others who got rude towards the other 9 idols, shut up & listen to the talented people.
Cook's not the only one who performed.
That's why it's called the American Idol Concert Tour.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


A lot of my David Archuleta friends keep on asking why I like David Cook more.

One of the many reasons is that he grew on me. Pre-Season 7, I never had that experience with another contestant. It is very hard to please me, especially when I don't like the persons from the start.

David Cook, during the auditions, for me, was a bit mediocre and unoriginal. Yes, I thought he was going to be another Daughtry, but he surprised me with his 'Hello', oh my god that was pure !@*&(*@&#!!!!.

David Archuleta has a very beautiful voice, and will be successful no doubt & he was my original favorite, but I guess I lean towards to more polished performers.

And besides, I like rock better than the Pop sound.

KUDOS TO THE 2 DAVIDS (my mom: What about the other David? me: Who? my mom: the one who uses his eyebrows me: Lol. )

WHO WOULDN'T LOVE DAVID ROLAND COOK? (well obviously the die-hard Archie fans who are still not over by him not getting the title of the American Idol. JEEZ PEOPLE GET OVER IT, YOU ARE SO LAME IT HAS BEEN 3 MONTHS NOW)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Something made my blood boil

And it deals with one of American Idol Season 7 contestants.

And he/she WAS my favorite.

I officially made him/her one of my least favorites. :(

Won't say who, but I have mentioned this former contestant. 

Just think.

Won't say anything at all.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Who was my favorite during the show?

My friends have been asking this question over and over again.

Who was my favorite during the run of American Idol Season 7?

Well, it started with the auditions
I loved:
(only from the Top 24)
David Archuleta
Danny Noriega
Michael Johns
Carly Smithson
Amanda Overmyer

(yes, not David Cook. I was overly distracted by his mok)

Come Hollywood Auditions:
I loved:
(Top 24)
Michael Johns
Carly Smithson
David Archuleta
David Cook
David Hernandez
Syesha Mercado
Asia'h Epperson

Top 24-20-16:
I loved:
David Cook
David Archuleta
Jason Castro
Carly Smithson
Asia'h Epperson
Danny Noriega
David Hernandez
Amanda Overmyer

Top 12: (overall, all my favorites, not ranked)
1. David Cook
2. Michael Johns
3. David Archuleta
4. Jason Castro
5. Carly Smithson

Friday, August 1, 2008

David Archuleta's "Crush"

I just finished listening to David Archuleta's first single "Crush". I am a bit underwhelmed by it. It sounded like a Chris Brown song, in short, any other pop/r&b song. But I actually like the chorus. I was really excited for David, and now he can relax and enjoy his success, which will be big. Congratulations David!

(MP3 Download)
David Archuleta- Crush